miami dentist

Lies, damned lies, and statistics: The truth behind the importance of flossing

Mark Twain popularized the quote: “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” He used this phrase to talk about the persuasive power numbers have and how they can be manipulated by individuals to push a public agenda. Mark Twain, a clairvoyant by many accounts, probably would have used this phrase to

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Five Worst Foods For Your Teeth and Gums

You may be familiar with the best foods to eat to keep your teeth and gums in tip-top shape and to help reduce your risk for gum disease. Just as there are great foods for your teeth, there are also foods that really do a number on them, putting you at an increased risk for

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How to Properly Floss Your Teeth

As one of TV’s great doctors put it: Everybody lies. What’s one thing people are most likely to lie about? Whether they actually floss or not. Flossing has gotten a reputation as being a not so pleasant task. But, you need to floss your teeth to take the best care of your mouth and gums.

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Choosing Wisely: 5 Things Every Family Should Know About Dental Health

For children younger than 3 years, you should begin brushing a child’s teeth with fluoride toothpaste in an amount no larger than a grain of rice. For children 3 to 6 years of age, use a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. Use toothpaste with fluoride for infants and children Taking care of your family’s dental

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Government, ADA recognize importance of flossing

August 02, 2016, By Michelle Manchir Cleaning between teeth with floss and the use of other tools such as interdental brushes is an important oral hygiene practice and, along with professional cleanings and tooth brushing, has been shown to disrupt and remove plaque, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said in a statement in

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Crest Healthier Smiles Project | Shakespeare

TOOTH PAIN IS NO REASON TO MISS OUT ‘Tis a fact. When ye teeth hurteth, thy grades suffereth. Translation: Kids with poor oral health are nearly 3X more likely to miss school. * Luckily, poor oral health is preventable with a good oral care routine that starts with Crest. *Based on a 2008 North Carolina

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Caries Risk Assessment Can Predict Future Caries Risk in Children 6 Years of Age or Younger

A retrospective analysis1 of electronic patient records (n=3,810 baseline; n=1,315 with follow-up; years 2009 through 2015) from a university pediatric dental clinic showed that formal caries risk assessment was associated with prediction of future caries risk in patients 6 years of age or younger. The 17 caries risk assessment items are listed in the following table.

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Oral Cancer Awareness Month

We screen all adult patients, with and without risk factors, twice a year using the newest in Oral Cancer screening technology, Velscope.  Screening with Velscope is easy and non-invasive.  It is able to detect dysplastic cells below the top layer.  This allows for early diagnosis, which can lead to early intervention and treatment. The major risk factors

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The Three-Way Street

Two decades of biomedical and dental detective work have linked obesity, diabetes, and periodontal (gum) disease. A triangular relationship – Obesity can intensify infections, such as periodontal (gum) disease, cytokines produced by fat cells are known to trigger insulin resistance, which can lead to type 2 diabetes.  Diabetes is known to increase the risk for

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INVADERS & the Body’s defenses

Gum Disease illustrates how local infections may have systemic consequences. Infection and inflammation in the mouth have been linked to a variety of systemic conditions, including pregnancy complications, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke.   Recent national media coverage spotlighting inflammation has spawned much interest in this topic. If infection in the gums not

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