
dental_crown_diagramCrowns (commonly known as caps) restore chipped, broken, damaged teeth and are ideal for strengthening weakened teeth.  Because they restore the tooth using full coverage, they look natural, are esthetic and functional.

Over time and usage, a tooth with a large filling begins to show signs of deterioration.  Cracks on the tooth, spaces or discoloration at the junction between filling and tooth are just some of the signs.  When the existing filling occupies 50% or more of a tooth’s chewing surface, the quality of the remaining tooth structure is weak and may contain micro-fractures that can lead to fracture or splitting of the tooth.  Covering the whole tooth allows biting forces to be dispersed evenly around the tooth to prevent fracture.

Following a root canal procedure, the nutritional supply has been removed from the tooth, namely the blood supply and nerve.  This makes the already weakened tooth brittle and at risk for shattering.  The full coverage nature of a crown covers and protects the tooth under the biting forces, preventing the tooth from breaking.

Teeth wear out over time under the stress of a traumatic bite from malpositioned teeth, grinding and clenching.  Acid erosion caused by acid reflux disease, bulimia, and acidic diets can also lead to excessive wear.  Changes in the bite due to wear can be restored by covering the teeth with crowns to successfully adapt back to a comfortable bite.

Crowns can also be used to correct the color, shape and space between the teeth to achieve a beautiful healthy smile.

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